Link to view as player
Posted by AshesToDust 4 years agoFeature RequestsSimply put, the ability to link somehting as a player, rather then having to add people one at a time. This would mean the tool could be used for DMing West march style public games much easier. Thank...
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Dungeon Generator
Posted by Admin 4 years agoGeneralHey All! I recently added a new feature, a dungeon generator. Currently the Room Descriptions piece is in need of some work, so i'm looking for some suggestions on some room descriptions! If you hav...
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Favorite Encounter
Posted by Webijokx 5 years agoGeneralWhat's your favorite encounter you have experienced during an RPG table top game?
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New user
Posted by AntDM 4 years agoGeneralHi! I'm new (to this Planner, not to D&D) - been using the Planner now for a grand total of about 2 hours. Loving it so far. I'm so used to having sheets of papers in folders, boxes, stuffed betwe...
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How to Properly Design a Homebrew Final Boss
Posted by Griffyn 4 years agoGeneralHey there! I'm currently in the designing process of making a final boss for a campaign (about demons! woohoo!) and I was wondering about how to make it seem like a big threat but not so strong that i...
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Info deleting/not saving?
Posted by IchBinKhaleesi 5 years agoGeneralI've typed 4 characters and a long campaign summary and saved them by hitting the update button multiple times (because i wan't to make sure they've saved) and they keep deleting themselves. Only me?